Orbital semi-major axis 1.00 A.U.
149.6 million km
Orbital eccentricity 0.017
Perihelion 0.98 A.U.
147.1 million km
Aphelion 1.02 A.U.
152.1 million km
Mean orbital speed 29.79 km/s
Sidereal orbital period 1.000038 tropical years
Orbital inclination to the ecliptic 0.01°
Mass 5.971024 kg
Equatorial radius 6378 km
Mean density 5520 kg/m3
Surface gravity* 9.80 m/s2
Escape speed 11.2 km/s
Sidereal rotation period 0.9973 solar days
Axial tilt** 23.45°
Magnetic axis tilt relative to rotation axis 11.5°
Mean surface temperature 290 K
Number of moons 1
*Acceleration due to gravity at Earth's surface

**Angle between Earth's rotation axis and the perpendicular to Earth's orbital plane (the plane of the ecliptic).