Whittle   ASTR 5630 & 5640


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How to use this web site

For the most part, using these notes should be pretty straightforward. Here are one or two things to help you find your way around.

The 20 Topics

There are 20 topics, which you can think of chapters in a book, i.e. they each have: The topics are grouped into 4 major divisions, and progress roughly as: local/normal to active/cosmological. Together, they cover essentially all of contemporary extragalactic astronomy and cosmology. For a 2 semester course, the topics divide naturally as 1-10 and 11-20 (roughly 26 lectures each semester).

Frames and Windows

I intend you to use three frames divided between two windows With a little resizing and placement, it is easy to have quick access to all three frames.

Topic Notes & Further Developments

The button bar at the top of each topic loads the various additional materials into the Image Window, although the "Print" button links to a printable (pdf) version of the notes. Within the text, hyperlinks are in [red] (blue hover) which load in the Image window, unless the link is to elsewhere in the Notes in which case the Main frame simply skips to the new location in the notes. External (outside) links are labelled o-link and direct the new link to the Image window.

Depending on your prior knowledge of each topic, the notes may seem either sufficient in isolation, or to be used along side the suggested readings. To help with comprehension and assimilation of the material, I plan to include many more Homework Questions (HQ) as well as frequent "Quick Questions" (QQ) sprinkled liberally throughout the notes.

Although the project is well underway, it is still far from complete. In addition to the pedagogical developments (Quick & Homework Questions, and topic completion: 10, 17-20, and parts of 9, & 15) other enhancements include: (a) adding many more Figures; (b) documenting the source material more thoroughly, as well as adding many more references & targetted readings; (c) adding a "Toolbox" page which gathers the kind of quantitative information one frequently needs, either as a student for problem solving, or as a researcher for any number of applications.

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