1 : Preliminaries | 6 : Dynamics I | 11 : Star Formation | 16 : Cosmology |
2 : Morphology | 7 : Ellipticals | 12 : Interactions | 17 : Structure Growth |
3 : Surveys | 8 : Dynamics II | 13 : Groups & Clusters | 18 : Galaxy Formation |
4 : Lum. Functions | 9 : Gas & Dust | 14 : Nuclei & BHs | 19 : Reionization & IGM |
5 : Spirals | 10 : Populations | 15 : AGNs & Quasars | 20 : Dark Matter |
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By the end we will have covered almost all of B&T while omitting much of the detail.
For the radial and tangential velocities, we find:
(6.1a) (6.1b) |
Where Oort's constants A and B are given by (R0 = solar radius):
(6.2a) (6.2b) |
Oort's A expresses local shear, while
Oort's B expresses local vorticity, ie local rotation: loc =
× V (curl V)
Notice their dimensions are velocity gradients which are also frequencies
E.g. using psm units: A = 0.0148 km/s/pc 0.014 Myr-1 = 14.8 Gyr-1
(6.3a) (6.3b) |
The first of these confirms that the rotation curve is fairly flat near the sun (gently rising).
The second yields an orbital period for the sun:
P(R0) = 2 /
(R0) = 2
/ 27.2 Gyr-1 = 0.23 Gyr = 230 Myr
And when coupled with an estimate for the galactocentric distance, R0, yields an orbital velocity:
Vc(R0) = 218 (R0 / 8 kpc) km/s
Which agrees fairly well with radio VLBI measurements of from proper motion of Sgr A*
Vc(R0) = 241 (R0 / 8 kpc) km/s
the cycle repeats, and we have a small retrograde epicycle
(6.4) |
(6.5) |
(6.6) |
consider small motion above and below the plane,
we simply expand the z-force linearly for small z:
(6.7) |
(6.8) |
(6.9) |
For non-circular orbits, the radial acceleration is given by (centrifugal - gravity):
(6.10) |
(6.11) |
Where the effective potential,
allows us to describe the radial motion in 1-D form
has a minimum, rising steeply at small R and slowly at large
This inner steep term imposes an angular momentum (or centrifugal) barrier
At the minimum in
we recover the circular guiding orbit of radius Rg
| (6.12) |
| (6.13) |
This gives SHM about the guiding radius  
| (6.14) |
with frequency
, where
| (6.15) |
| (6.16) |
Integration gives :
| (6.17) |
| (6.18) |
the oscillation of frequency
is the same as
in x, but out of phase
by 90°
| (6.19) |
Some properties of this motion are:
| (6.20) |
| (6.21) |
Star (and gas) orbits are modified by the spiral perturbation
Their new orbits define a new surface density and associated potential.
Look for Quasi-Stationary Steady State solution (QSSS).
(ii) Results
There are two other obvious sources of density waves, both are m = 2.
(i) Tides from companions
Instabilities can arise from a competition between:
Toomre (1964) found the conditions for instability: Q < 1 where Q
(3 G
Where is the stellar velocity dispersion and
is the local surface
| (6.22) |
[A similar relation for gravitational stability for a gas disk is:
/ 3 G
  >   1 ]
Epicyclic motion approximately follows the arm
Long perturbation duration so epicycle amplified
The emerging trailing pattern is strongly amplified
(ii) Feedback for the Amplifier
For this to work, we need a source of leading spiral waves
However, these are not normally generated in a rotating disk
Instead, look for feedback: trailing waves converted into
leading waves.
Swing amplification with feedback is probably very important in maintaining strong sprial structure.