1 : Preliminaries | 6 : Dynamics I | 11 : Star Formation | 16 : Cosmology |
2 : Morphology | 7 : Ellipticals | 12 : Interactions | 17 : Structure Growth |
3 : Surveys | 8 : Dynamics II | 13 : Groups & Clusters | 18 : Galaxy Formation |
4 : Lum. Functions | 9 : Gas & Dust | 14 : Nuclei & BHs | 19 : Reionization & IGM |
5 : Spirals | 10 : Populations | 15 : AGNs & Quasars | 20 : Dark Matter |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
(b) The Cosmological Principle
Our cosmology must explain the origin, development, and maximum scale of all this structure.
Consider two (vector) locations k and p and the vector field: v = H r centered on us (at O)
We see p move at vp = H p; so how does an observer located on k see p move?
use primes to denote values measured by k [image]:
p' = p - k and v'p = vp - vk = Hp - Hk = H(p - k) = Hp'
This is a remarkable and profound result.
In this case, you can relax: the time we've introduced is a proper time
it is measured by inertial observers, and can be agreed upon by everyone.
(Absorption doesn't help: dust ultimately heats to reach equilibrium with the radiation field).
A bright sky requires our static universe to be both gigantic and immensely old.
Stars alone cannot yield Olbers' bright sky, even in an old enough and big enough Universe.
For this light source, then, it is expansion which keeps the sky dark.
(a) Expanding Coordinate Grids
Finding the form for a(t) is a holy grail in cosmology.
For example, at the time of recombination, a 0.001
The comoving distance to proto-M87 is still 15 Mpc, but its physical distance is only 15 kpc.
Later we introduce several pseudo-distances: eg luminosity &
angular diameter distance; DL, DA.
these are not true (proper) distances, but convenient functions of distance.
In these notes I will try to be consistent: r = physical; ro = comoving; D = pseudo.
dr/dt = v(t) = da/dt × r(to) = (1/a) da/dt r(t)
But this is simply: v(t) = H(t) r(t) with H(t) = (1/a) da/dt
we have found that the Hubble relation applies at all times
H(a) ![]() |
rH,o = c/Ho is called the Hubble distance; where, right now, galaxies recede at c |
For constant rate of expansion, we will ultimately see everything inside a sphere of radius rH,o
Only if v slows down significantly will we be able see beyond rH,o.
These, and other potentially confusing things, should become clearer later [sec 7].
![]() ![]() |
since the current scale factor a(to) = 1
This is a fundamental relation & globally exact
It tells us the relative change in size since the light set out
Some examples:
(i) Ladder Method
In elementary texts, the distance ladder is often presented with many rungs [image]
In practice, there are really only three:
This class of pulsating stars defines a tight period-luminosity(-color) relation [images]
measure period to get luminosity and hence distance
They are luminous stars (MV: -2 to -6) and hence can be seen to considerable distances (~25 Mpc by HST)
However, they are also rare: the nearest is 250pc away, and only 10 have parallax distances measured to 10%.
Historically, the PL relation was calibrated by Main Sequence fitting to open clusters containing Cepheids
Now, Hipparcos provides direct trigonometric calibration (eg Perryman et al 1997)
However, this calibration still needs to be improved (eg using future astrometric mission GAIA).
The distance to the LMC plays a very important role (and also still needs to be improved)
it contains enough Cepheids to define the PL relation in m (not M)
hence extragalactic Cepheids yield relative distances to the LMC
the current best estimate for the LMC is: m-M = 18.44 0.03
0.7 kpc (uses E(B-V) = 0.1)
The HST Key Project has now measured 800 Cepheids in ~18 galaxies out to ~25 Mpc.
These galaxies were then used to calibrate the following methods:
This is a luminosity-linewidth relation for spirals [Topic 5.5b]
scatter is minimum in the near IR (I, H), hence the method is often referred to as "IRTF"
about 20 spirals now have Cepheid distances
about 25 groups/clusters out to 10,000 km/s have TF distances
Ho = 71
(eg Sakai et al 1999)
This is a refinement of the luminosity-linewidth (Faber-Jackson) relation for ellipticals
[Topic 7.4b]
Either Dn- (isophotal diameter/dispersion) or surface
brightness/radius/dispersion relations
since no Cepheids in Es, calibration uses Es in groups with Cepheid distances (eg Virgo, Fornax, Leo)
many groups/clusters out to 10,000 km/s now have FP distances
Ho = 78
(eg Mould et al 1996; Kelson et al 1999)
These are very luminous, so well suited to qo studies (high z), but also useful for Ho (lower z)
the light curves aren't all the same; but peak luminosity correlates with fading rate (and color) [image]
unfortunately, very few SNIa have ocurred in galaxies with Cepheid distances calibration not ideal
Ho = 68
(eg Gibson et al 1999)
Consider a set of CCD pixels recording the light from an E galaxy, each one with perfect S/N ratio
there is still variation between the pixels because of
N fluctuations in # stars
Although the mean surface brightness is independent of distance, the variation is not
nearer galaxies have fewer stars per pix
larger variation.
difficulties: contamination by globular clusters; color/population dependency; calibration.
HST can use this method out to about 7000 km/s
Ho = 69
(eg Ferrarese et al 1999)
Ho = 72
km s-1 Mpc-1 (eg Friedman et al 2001) [image]
(ii) Direct Methods
Let's briefly look at four direct distance measurement methods.
This method applies to all pulsating/expanding photospheres -- particularly Type II (core collapse) SN
angular size is derived from flux, temperature and emissivity (black body = 1)
linear size is derived from integrating velocity (linewidth) over time
distance, by comparing angular and linear sizes.
So far, only one good example of this method exists: NGC 4258, Miyoshi et al 1995 [ Topic 14.4e]
a compact (~1pc) molecular disk orbits central black hole
VLBI of H2O masers gives (Keplerian) velocities and proper motions
distance, by comparing linear and angular velocities.
2 QSO images have different light paths with different physical lengths
this path difference is given by the time delay between QSOs light curved (via cross-correlation).
the calculated path difference depends on projected mass density and linear scale
distance by comparing observed angular scale and calculated linear scale
Hot electrons in galaxy cluster ICMs do two things:
For several components, and p are both additive:
tot =
i and ptot =
(1/a2)(da/dt)2 = H2 = (8![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
c = 2.65 × 10-7 h2 M
= 1.80 × 10-29 h2 gm cm-3 = 10.8 h2 mp m-3
Component | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
w | x = 3(1+w) ![]() ![]() |
x = 2/(3+3w) a ![]() |
1 + 3w sign accel |
Dark Energy | 0.73 | -1 | 0 | a ![]() |
-2 |
Dark Matter | 0.23 | ![]() |
3 | 2/3 | 1 |
Baryons | 0.04 | ![]() |
3 | 2/3 | 1 |
Photons | 5.0 × 10-5 | 1/3 | 4 | 1/2 | 2 |
Neutrinos | 3.4 × 10-5 | 1/3 | 4 | 1/2 | 2 |
we live in a universe with "flat" spatial geometry
This is one of the most important discoveries in recent cosmology.
I feel this is an unnecessarily obtuse approach.
Here is a more straightforward approach (which amounts to the same thing).
But in cosmology, x 3 is also possible.
In such cases energy is either leaving or entering our expanding box.
One can consider this as "work done" by a pressure.
d( c2 a3) = -p d(a3)
d c2 a3 +
c2 3a2 da = -p 3a2 da now divide by 3a2c2 da
a/3 d/da +
= -p/c2
-x/3a +
= -p/c2
p = (x/3 - 1) c2
o a-x  =
o a-3(1+w)
Basically, the thermal energy is << rest energy
so cooling during expansion doesn't contribute to the change in
Basically, when a photon gas expands its pressure does work on the surroundings
Energy is lost from the expanding box because the photons are redshifted.
Basically, you must provide energy to create more vacuum
Negative pressure is tension: imagine a strange piston with a little "strange water" in it.
You pull extremely hard, with force F = p × A, with p = 9 × 1020 dyne cm-2 (~1015 atm) and A = 1 cm2
the piston slowly moves out by d = 1 cm -- you have spent F × d = 9 × 1020 erg of energy.
To your surprise, the piston now contains an additional cm3 of water!
Your 9 × 1020 erg were converted to 9 × 1020/c2 = 1 gm of new water.
(Note: since dark energy is 6.8 × 10-30 gm cm-3, it only requires 6 × 10-9 dyne cm-2 tension to create.
However, you can't verify this experimentally because there is vacuum on both sides of the piston!).
matter: | ![]() ![]() ![]() | as expected by "conservation of mass" |
radiation: | ![]() ![]() ![]() | since n![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
vacuum: | ![]() ![]() | space is space |
So the relative densities of the three components changes with expansion: [image]
Depending on which component dominates the density (hence gravity), we find three different eras:
density match | condition | a @ equality | z @ equality | t @ equality |
![]() ![]() |
0.73 = 0.27 a-3 | 0.72 | 0.39 | 9.43 Gyr |
![]() ![]() |
0.73 = 8.4 × 10-5 a-4 | 0.103 | 8.3 | 615 Myr |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
0.04 a-3 = 5.0 × 10-5 a-4 | 1.25 × 10-3 | 800 | 620 kyr |
![]() ![]() |
0.27 a-3 = 8.4 × 10-5 a-4 | 3.11 × 10-4 | 3200 | 57 kyr |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
0.27 a-3 = 5.0 × 10-5 a-4 | 1.85 × 10-4 | 5400 | 22 kyr |
Note that here rel refers to the sum of photons and neutrinos (relativistic matter)
Likewise m refers to the sum of baryons and CDM (non-relativistic matter)
da/dt = Ho a-(1+3w)/2
da = Ho
a =
[(3 + 3w)/2 . t/tH]2/(3+3w)
during the radiation era: | a ![]() |
during the matter era: | a ![]() |
during the vacuum era: | a ![]() ![]() |
Energy density | u = a T4 = 7.56 × 10-15 T4 erg cm-3 ucmb = 4.17 × 10-13 erg cm-3 = 0.26 eV cm-3 |
Energy flux | J = uc/4![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Jcmb = 9.94 × 10-4 erg s-1 cm-2 sr-1 |
Number density | n = a T3/2.7kB = 20.3 T3 cm-3 ncmb = 410 cm-3 |
Number flux | N = nc/4![]() Ncmb = 9.78 × 1011 cm-2 s-1 sr-1 |
T = To / a = To (1 + z) |
at time when a 1, we have v = vo/a and dv = dvo/a
particle conservation also requires n(v)dv = n(vo)/a3 dvo and N = No/a3
Substituting these into the MB relation, we get:
T = To / a2 = To (1 + z)2 |
In practice, this cooling for the baryonic gas never occurs:
Loosely speaking, this section looks at the geometry part, G.
The next section looks at the dynamical part, T, and how it relates to G.
Adding Newton's intuitively plausible independent time, t, yields a 4 coordinate space-time
ds2 = dx2 + dy2 + dz2 = dr2 + r2 (d2 +
= dr2 + r2 d
Note that the choice of cartesian or polar (or any other) coordinate system is unimportant
They are equivalent and define the same space.
circumference = 2
R sin(r/R)
This is < 2r, goes through a maximum at r =
R/2 (equator) and goes to zero at r =
R (antipode) [image]
To get a feel for the odd nature of this space, imagine holding a laser pointer with visible beam (r)
Turn it through 1o (d = 1o):
ds2 = -c2 dt2 + dr2 + r2 (d
ds2 = -c2 dt2 + dr2 + R2 sinh2(r/R) (d
One can also replace (d
As you can see, the three metrics above are all of this kind: as r
coefficient Parallel
Lines Triangle
Angles Circle
Circumf Sphere
Area Sphere
Volume Global
R2 sin2(r/R)
> 180
< 2
< 4
< (4/3)
Never meet
R2 sinh2(r/R)
< 180
> 2
> 4
> (4/3)
(iv) Adding Time
The 3-D + 1-t metrics for positive, flat, and negative space-times become:
ds2 = -c2 dt2 + dr2 + R2 sin2(r/R) (d
2 + sin2
2 +
(Minkowski space-time).
2 + sin2
2 +
2) with
2, the angle between the two events on the sky,
and group them into a single expression, using Sk(x) = sin(x), x, sinh(x) for k = +1, 0, -1:
ds2 = -c2 dt2 + dr2 + R2 Sk2(r/R) d
[ Note: I've adopted Peacock's notation for Sk, rather than Ryden's ]
2, where d
is the Lorentz invariant proper time interval.
Indeed, the second is the spacetime of special relativity, and is called Minkowski spacetime.
flat geometry is rooted in the Pythagoraean relation (e.g. triangles have
ang = 180o).
Although more general geometries are curved, many are locally flat (e.g. in 3-D: a sphere)
expanding the metric to first order at any location gives a quadratic form.
Such geometries are called Reimannian and the spacetimes of GR are all of this kind. Why?
Because locally the Equivalence Principle demands a Minkowski spacetime of Special Relativity.
0, they are locally flat.
Of course, the second derivatives do not vanish, and it is these that define the
On large scales (> few Mpc): these assumptions are excellent [see sec 2a-c]
On intermediate scales, where |/<
>| < 1 they are still useful:
On small scales, where /<
> >> 1 they are poor assumptions:
ds2 = -c2 dt2 + a(t)2 [ dro2 + Ro2 Sk2(ro/Ro) d![]() |
where ro is the comoving proper distance (ie as measured today) to an object.
This looks very familiar!
Please don't think of R(t) as "the radius of the universe"; it is a measure of spatial curvature
although for k = +1 it yields roughly the correct total volume, for k = -1 it is negative.
Also, the limiting condition near k = 0 with R
is well behaved, since R sin(r/R)
Two photons are emitted at te and te + te and arrive
at times to and to +
During the time te + te to to both photons are in flight and so
dt/a for this interval is the same.
But for the full trip dt/a is also the same, so the small start/finish contributions must be equal:
This tells us that the duration of any event we witness is dilated by a factor a(te)-1
This has been nicely confirmed in the longer apparent duration of high-z SNIa light curves: [image]
to /
te =
e /
o =
o /
e = (1 + z) = a(te)-1
Once again, it is best to think of redshift as a change in scale factor during the photon's journey.
(v) Total Cosmic Volume
as expected, the volume grows with a(t)3 and is close to the value for a 2-sphere of radius R
for an open universe the integral diverges because (i) the area diverges, and (ii) r
Spacetime is curved by the distribution of cosmic energy & momentum.
Here, µ and are four (1 time, 3 space) coordinate indices, (eg ct, x, y, z; or ct, r,
T1,1, T2,2, T3,3 = < pxpx >c2 / E is the x-momentum density px the x-pressure (y, z etc)
Now, pressure is isotropic, so px = py = pz = p (don't confuse momentum p with pressure p)
So Tµ = diag (
c2, p, p, p) (all off-diagonal elements are zero).
(ii) Gµv : The Curvature Tensor
Evaluating the elements for the RW-spacetime, one obtains:
G1,1 = G2,2 = G3,3 = -1/a2 [ 2 a (d2a/dt2) + k c2/Ro2 + (da/dt)2]
Gj,j =
-1/a2 [ 2 a (d2a/dt2) + k c2/Ro2 + (da/dt)2] = 8G p/c2 = 8
G/c2 Tj,j
Combining these, we arrive at two fundamentally important cosmic equations
(da/dt)2 = (8![]() ![]() | The Friedmann Equation, or Energy Equation |
d2a/dt2 = -(4![]() ![]() | The Acceleration Equation |
where k = +1, 0, -1 follows the sign of the curvature radius Ro; and a(t) is the scale factor.
Substitute for d/da and rearrange:
d2a / dt2 = (4G/3) [ 2
a - 3(1+w)a
] = (-4
G/3) a [
+ 3p/c2 ]
Consider a huge sphere uniformly but sparsely filled with rubble [image]
Focus on a single rock at radius ro: it feels only interior mass: M =
4/3 ro3
To follow the rock's motion, define radial coordinate r = a(t) ro (track using a scale factor)
Set the whole sphere expanding, with dr/dt = ro da/dt for our rock.
This is just the equation for throwing a stone vertically upwards:
if TE > 0, then v > vesc and the rock escapes; if TE < 0, then v < vesc and the rock returns.
Rewriting this equation using the changing scale factor and density, we get:
which is the Friedmann energy equation with 2 TE / ro2 standing in for curvature: -k c2/Ro2
positive TE
open geometry
negative TE
closed geometry
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
This is an exceedingly important relation:
it gives the full density evolution as a function of a or z using today's measured values.
[warning: t(a) /
c,o is not the evolving density parameter,
t(a) /
c , see sec 6cvii]
(iii) Curvature Parameters: Ro &
(1/a2)(da/dt)2 = H2 = (8G/3)
- kc2/a2Ro2
substitute for = 3H2
t / 8
G to get
H2 = H2
t - kc2 / a2Ro2 which yields:
This is as expected: Ro
Current estimates put t,o -1 < 0.02, so Ro > 7 c/Ho = 30 Gpc.
At earlier times, R = a Ro is smaller.
-kc2/R2H2 =
-k c2/Ro2Ho2
Inserting into the Friedmann equation we find: H2 = H2t + H2
1 =
t +
Notice, k and k have opposite sign: +ve
k means open geometry
We can also re-express Ro in terms of k,o and the Hubble distance rH,o = c / Ho :
Ro = rH,o / | ![]() |
To find an expression for this, start with the acceleration equation & divide by a:
1/a (d2a/dt2) = -H2 q   =
-(4G/3) (
+ 3p/c2)
= -(4
(1 + 3w)
q = ½ [ m + 
r - 2
m ] = ½
m  +
r -
v at any time, or
qo = ½![]() ![]() ![]() |
d2a/dt2 = -(4G/3) a (
+ 3p/c2) + 1/3
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The form of a(t) depends on two things:
Let's begin with the general case, then look at some special cases.
(i) The General Case
(da/dt)2 - (8G/3) a2
t = (da/dt)o2
- (8
(da/dt)2 | = (Ho2/![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
= Ho2 a2 [ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
= Ho2 a2 [ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
= Ho2 a2 E2(a) giving: |
(da/dt) = Ho a E(a) for the evolution of the scale factor |
where we use Peeble's notation for E(a) [or E(z)], and the curvature "density" k,o :
E(a) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
E(z) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
These are exceedingly important functions, and are central to all cosmological calculations.
Notice that they involve current (hence observable) values of , and so can be evaluated directly.
In general, this and related integrals need to be done numerically.
Alternatively, one can solve the ODE with boundary conditions: (a = 1 ; da/dt = Ho) at t = tnow.
Note: for numerical work, it is sensible to express time in units of tH,o = 1/Ho
where tH,o = 1 / Ho is the Hubble time; one can also use the Hubble radius c dt = rH,o da / aE(a) etc.
Let's now look at the time evolution of some specific FRW world models.
Integrating the general relation gives a current age 0.988 tH,o and a(t)
curve shown here: [image]
Taken individually, these yield reasonable approximations for a(t) over most
of cosmic history.
Two details:
Follow the above analysis, starting from the first line:
(da/dt)2 - (8
(da/dt)2 - (Ho2/
Introduce the velocity factor, v/vo = Hr / Horo = a H/Ho = (da/dt) / Ho
Or using the previous notation: v/vo = a E(a).
v/vo = (da/dt) / Ho = a E(a) giving:
Since the total energy term (1 -
These recover the forms from [sec 4e]: a
a E(a) = [a-(1+3w)]½
you can quickly check this gives 1 & 2 above, for w = 0 and 1/3.
Here I chose to use tH in place of tH,o since the relation for tage is true at all times.
Note that w = -1/3 separates ac-/de-celerating models, and hence tage greater/less than tH,o
tage = (2/3) tH,o
which recovers an age conveniently close to tH,o There is, however, a more compelling reason: they are crucial in theories of galaxy formation
This has a parametric solution which uses a "development angle",
which turns at a(
where apar =
For a closed geometry, additional possibilities include (see below):
Ages and futures for all these models can be nicely seen in these plots
you can move between them with the following important relations between their differentials:
dt = tH,o da / aE(a) = -tH,o dz / (1+z)E(z) and da = -dz/(1+z)2 = -a2dz
For example, the relation for current cosmic age is simply:
dt (0 to now) = -tH,o
dz / (1+z)E(z)   (
to 0) = tH,o
da / aE(a)   (0 to 1)
(ii) The Concordance Model
v,o = 0.73;
m,o = 0.27;
= 8.4 × 10-5;
t,o = 1.00 (
k,o = 1 -
t,o = 0)
during the radiation era: E(a)
r,o½ a-2
during the matter era: E(a)
m,o½ a-3/2
during the dark energy era: E(a)
This [ image ] shows the
approximations and their errors, while the table gives the functional forms.
[The Toolbox includes a more
extensive set, including Hubble radius, particle and event horizons.]
Approximations to the Concordance model
Radiation era: E(a)
r,o½ a-2
t = tH,o
da / a E(a) (0 to a)
½ tH,o
r,o-½ a2
741 a2 h72-1 Gyr = 2.34 x 1019 a2 h72-1 sec
1.16 x 10-6 h72½ tyr½
2.09 x 10-10 h72½ ts½
Matter era: E(a)
m,o½ a-3/2
t = tH,o
da / a E(a) (0 to a)
2/3 tH,o
m,o-½ a3/2
17.4 a3/2 h72-1 Gyr
1.49 x 10-7 h722/3 tyr2/3
Dark Energy Era: E(a)
t - tnow =
t = tH,o
da / a E(a) (1 to a)
v,o-½ ln(a)
15.9 ln(a) h72-1 Gyr
tGyr h72 / 15.9 ] (tnow = 0.988 tH,o)
Formally, the exponential term has infinite past, so it is sensible
to integrate from a=1, the current time.
The matter solution is improved slightly by adding 39,000 years
to correct the integral over the radiation era.
It mirrors the Newtonian analysis, using (dimensionless) kinetic, gravitational, and total energies.
G/3) a2
t = (da/dt)o2
- (8
c,o) a2
t = Ho2
- (Ho2/
and express the time-varying density t in terms of today's Omegas, we get:
(v/vo)2 + [ - m,o/a -
r,o/a2 -
v,oa2 ] = 1 -
"KE" "PE" "TE" (const)
Of course, to convert v(a) to a(t) we still need to integrate, just as before:
da / aE(a) (0 to a) = Ho
dt (0 to t) = t / tH,o
Plotting the three terms immediately gives us a feel for the behavior of the expansion:
the dropping velocity matches the rising gravitational energy during the radiation/matter eras
the increasing velocity matches the dropping vacuum gravitational energy during the dark energy era.
Returning to our upward moving rock at the surface of the expanding sphere, what is it's gravitational energy?
There are three contributions: from the matter, radiation and vacuum within the sphere.
The sphere's mass in matter is constant, so the rock's PE increases as -GMm,o/r giving -
m,o / a.
The sphere's mass in radiation decreases, so the rock's PE increases faster, as -GMr,o/r2 giving -r,o / a2.
The sphere's mass in vacuum increases, so the rock's PE actually falls, as -GMv,o/r × r3 giving -v,o a2.
t,o) is fixed, the expansion velocity must mirror the gravitational terms.
Because larger spheres of vacuum have more mass, their gravitational energy is more negative
Hence, expansion is "downhill" vacuum Universe's fall outwards.
But force is really just the spatial gradient of energy: i.e. the gradient of the curve in the figure
This curve (-v,o a2) slopes downwards to the right, hence the force is outwards
Notice, gravity is still "attractive", meaning its interaction still causes negative binding energy.
Matter force: d/da (-
m,o / a) =
m,o / a2 (backwards, inverse square, as expected)
Vacuum force: d/da (-
v,o a2) = -2
v,o a (outwards, increasing with a).
Notice, kg for kg vacuum generates twice the force of matter, so coasting occurs before density equality.
We have: m,o / ac2 - 2
v,o ac = 0
ac = (
m,o / 2
v,o)1/3 = 0.57 (z = 0.75, t = 7 Gyr).
Amazingly, the gravitational energy released as the sphere falls outwards makes new vacuum!.
[Strictly, this only happens for spheres larger than the Hubble radius. image ]
This is remarkable: gravity makes the very space into which the Universe is expanding!
They also illustrate the behavior of the various "eras" in the multi-component models.
da / aE(a) (from 0 to a); with E(a) containing just one term:
1. Pure matter: m,o
= 1; a E(a) = [a-1]½ t = (2/3) tH,o a3/2 a = [3/2 t/tH,o]2/3
2. Pure radiation: r,o
= 1; a E(a) = [a-2]½ t = (1/2) tH,o a2 a = [2 t/tH,o]1/2
3. Pure vacuum: v,o
= 1; a E(a) = [a2]½ t - to = tH,o loge a a = e[(t - to)/tH,o]
4. Pure curvature: k,o
= 1; a E(a) = [ k,o]½
t = tH,o a a = t / tH,o
t2/3 , t1/2 , et for matter, radiation, vacuum.
The pure curvature model is open (not flat), with simple linear expansion at all times.
Pure matter & curvature models are also called: Einstein-de Sitter & Milne [sec 6cvii]
Note: the coefficients are different from the concordance approximations
because the current 's aren't unity.
t = 2/(3+3w) tH,o a(3+3w)/2
a = [ (3 + 3w)/2 (t / tH,o) ]2/(3+3w)
Note also that the flat model with w = -1/3 behaves like an open pure curvature (Milne) model.
tage = 2/(3 + 3w) tH 2/3 tH , 1/2 tH ,
, tH for 1 - 4 above.
As we suspected from the outset, tage tH to within factors ~unity.
The exception is pure vacuum, with exponential expansion and infinite age (t -
as a
In general, deceleration gives t < tH while acceleration gives t > tH [image]
For example, for flat matter (Einstein-de Sitter; w = 0) we have tage = 2/3 tH,o, a famous result.
By including a component with w < -1/3 (eg vacuum/lambda), then tage can get longer than tH,o
This was a key motivation for including to solve tH,o < t
(1930s), or tH,o < tGC (1990s).
(v) Flat Models: Matter + Vacuum
m and
Apart from a brief (~50 kyr) radiation period, this is basically the Universe we live in
a(t) = (
m,o /
v,o)1/3 sinh2/3 [ (3/2)
v,o1/2 (t / tH,o) ] = 0.712 × sinh2/3 (1.28 × t / tH,o)
v,o-1/2 sinh-1 [ (
v,o /
m,o)1/2 ] = 0.78 × 1.27 tH = 0.993 tH,o
i.e. the decelerating & accelerating portions "average out" to approximate a constant expansion.
(the numbers here use: v,o = 1 -
m,o = 0.73)
(vi) Curved Models: Matter Only
open with infinite future; closed ending in a big crunch; or "critical", balanced between the two
while the real Universe seems to be globally flat, this is not true locally:
voids form from open regions; while stars/galaxies/clusters form from closed regions
FRW curved matter models apply since local evolution is independent of the surroundings.
s =
s,o a-3(1+w) and
a E(a) = [
s,o a-(1+3w) + (1 -
For w = 0 (matter) we have t(a) = tH,o [
m,o a-1 + 1 -
m,o ] -1/2 da (from 0 to a)
The form of the solution depends on whether m,o > 1 (closed) or
m,o < 1 (open):
= 0 to 2
, the Universe expands, halts, and recollapses in a cycloid:
) = ½ amax (1 - cos
t( ) = ½ tH amax (
- sin
) / (
m,o - 1)1/2
) = amax =
m,o / (
m,o - 1) and collapses at t(2
) =
tH,o amax / (
m,o - 1)1/2
for example, if m,o = 1.5, we have amax = 3 and tcrunch = 6.7 tH,o
= 0 to
) = ½ apar ( cosh
- 1)
t( ) = ½ tH,o apar ( sinh
) / (1 -
m,o / (1 -
m,o) plays the role of amax
k -ve), flat
(k = 0,
k = 0), open (k = -1,
k +ve)
v: -ve (odd), 0 (simplest), +ve (what seems to be true).
This is because radiation quickly becomes irrelevant when
r <
m at t ~
50 kyr.
: unusual; simply adds to matter; all models recollapse
zero : most discussed until recently; all decelerate; future depends only on curvature.
closed recollapses; flat halts at
positive ; open expands forever. [images]
: early, matter dominates
decelerates; late, vacuum dominates
v <
both collapse and "bounce" solutions exist
For v
v,E vacuum repulsion and closed geometry nearly balance
long ~static periods.
et; infinite past; H(a) = const [image]
This model has renewed importance, since it is believed to occur during inflation.
It also describes the Steady State model, which needs H(a) = const.
pre-dated Hubble's discovery of expansion; doesn't fit above analysis since Ho = 0.
Instead, set da/dt = d2a/dt2 = 0 to find balance when:
v -1 = 3/2 (
The model is unstable to small deviations from balance.
Infinitely long static history before starting expansion
big bang in remote past, then expansion comes to gradual halt at infinite future.
v (
m) slightly below (above) the critical values.
k = +1, open, (k = -1).
Similar to
m/r/v << 1
no de- ac-celeration: linear expansion a = t / tH; tage = tH
Milne's (incorrect) motivation: moving galaxies subject only to special relativity.
Hubble time: tH,o = Ho-1 = 10.0 h-1 Gyr = 13.9 h72-1 Gyr |
Hubble distance:   rH,o = c / Ho = c tH,o = 13.9 h72-1 G lyr = 4.26 h72-1 Gpc |
they are units comparable to the current age and visible size of the Universe.
r(to) = c ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Alternatively, from the RW metric: photons move on radial null geodesics, so d = ds = 0, giving:
c2 dt2 = a2(t) dro2
dt / a(t) =
dr = r(to) (te to to and 0 to ro) as before.
LBT = (to - te) = ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Which are all straightforward to evaluate (numerically).
r(te) = r(to) / (1 + z) = 1.24 rH,o / 7 = 0.18 rH,o
(to - te) = tH,o -(1 + z)-5/2 dz (z to 0) = 2/3 tH,o [1 - 7-3/2] = 0.63 tH,o
The QSO was 0.18 rH,o when the light set out; it is now 1.24 rH,o; the light travelled for 0.63 tH,o.
r(te) = 1.94 rH,o / 1001 = 0.0019 rH,o or only ~ 8 Mpc!
rH(a) = rH,o / E(a) = rH,o / E(z) |
or, re-expressing rH(a) in its larger current comoving size, ro,H(a), we have:
ro,H(a) = rH(a) / a = rH,o / a E(a) = rH,o (1 + z) / E(z) |
In physical coordinates, rH increases from zero at t = a = 0 (z = ) and continues to increase.
In comoving coordinates, ro,H grows/shrinks in de/ac-celerating universes.
rp-hor(to) = c ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Using the concordance values in E(z) gives rp-hor = 2.55 rH,o = 10.9 h72-1 Gpc (35.5 Gly)
Only if the initial expansion is zero can light cross everywhere in the first instant.
This occurs in two FRW cases:
rp-hor(t) = ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Giving 2 a1/2 rH,o for Einstein-de Sitter; a rH,o for flat radiation; for flat vacuum (de Sitter)
This is a useful surrogate for time, in part because it gives the horizon size at a given t, a, z.
It is the time variable of choice for studying growth of perturbations.
Space-time diagrams (see below) can also look much simpler when plotted using conformal time.
(iii) The Event Horizon: re-hor (furthest ultimately visible)
re-hor(t) = c![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Which is the same as rp-hor but with different (complementary) integration ranges
Not surprisingly, if an FRW model has finite rp-hor it often has infinite
re-hor, and visa-versa
Einstein-de Sitter & flat radiation have re-hor = ; while flat vacuum (de Sitter) has rH,o /2a2
Vacuum in the concordance model ensures we will never see remote parts of the Universe.
Indeed, as time passes, we will see less and less as the event horizon shrinks (in comoving radius).
It also plays a crucial role generating and amplifying quantum fluctations.
Ultimately, these fluctations provide the seeds for future galaxy formation [sec 11].
Such diagrams are more complex on curved expanding space-times in cosmological GR:
It is, however, often possible to clean up these diagrams & reestablish 45o light paths:
Ignoring these concerns (!), we proceed to estimate the total energy within a Hubble sphere: rH = c / H.
Our aim is merely to suggest that the Universe's total energy might actually be ZERO
PE = -(3/5) GM2/R = -(3/20) R5 H4 / G
KE = ½ 4
(H r)2 = +(3/20) R5 H4 / G
and we recover the Newtonian result: Etot = PE + KE = E = 0 for all R.
Hence: |PE| / RE (R / rH)2 so that on small scales rest mass utterly dominates cosmic energy.
However, when R rH the -ve gravitational energy grows to match the +ve rest mass energy.
e.g. for R ~ rH,o we have RE ~ |PE| ~ rH,o5 Ho4 / G = c5 / Ho G 1076 erg
1022 M
1011 Mgal
This crudely illustrates how on cosmic scales the total energy, including rest mass, could be zero.
In GR the condition of flat geometry is equivalent to our Newtonian "zero energy".
Everything may have arisen from Nothing |
With these in mind we can derive close analogs to the Euclidean relationships.
Indeed, one usually expresses them in Euclidean form, using a pseudo-distance, D, in place of r.
The most famous of these are luminosity distance, DL, and angular diameter distance, DA
I'll try to keep the convention of labelling pseudo-distances with capital D.
Integrating over and
for the total spherical shell area, we get:
D(ro) is a comoving distance measure and is our first pseudo-distance:
think of a × D as giving the correct d if we placed physical area dA at proper distance a × ro
f = L / 4![]() ![]() ![]() |
DL is the luminosity distance and is our second pseudo distance
it gives the correct (bolometric) luminosity using the Euclidean formula.
D(ro) = Ro Sk(ro/Ro) | effective angular comoving distance |
ro(z) = rH,o ![]() |
true comoving proper distance |
Sk(x) = sin(x)   x   sinh(x) (k = +1 0 -1) | corrects for curvature |
Ro = rH,o / | ![]() |
the curvature radius [sec 6b iii] |
![]() ![]() |
the curvature parameter |
Notice that for k = 0, D = ro and apart from the (1 + z)-2 term, we recover the Euclidean relation.
Likewise, for ro << Ro and z << 1, we recover the full Euclidean relation.
Here is a figure showing DL(z) for several world models [image]
f = L
/ 4
DL2 × [ L
(1 + z)) / L
) ] × (1 + z) (units: erg/s/cm2/Hz)
(1 + z)-1 L
(1 + z)-1) / 4
DL2 (units: erg/s/cm2)
(1 + z) L
(1 + z)) / 4
DL2 (units: erg/s/cm2)
Usually, continuum fluxes require these relations, while emission lines are bolometric.
note a(te) is included since the light ray geodesics start at emission time, te [image]
d![]() ![]() |
DA is the angular diameter distance and is our third pseudo distance
it gives the correct angular diameter using the Euclidean formula.
A comoving (ie current) size dS was smaller at redshift z: ds = dS/(1 + z).
Using this in the relation d = ds / DA we get:
d![]() ![]() |
DEA = D is the angular diameter distance for an object expanding with the Hubble flow.
Let's do our example of 100 Mpc at z = 0.2, 5, 1000, choosing Einstein-de Sitter (flat, matter):
for this, we have D = ro = rH,o dz / (1 + z)3/2 = 2 dH,o [1 - (1 + z)-½] = [0.17, 1.18, 1.94] × rH,o
Using rH,o = 4.26 Gpc, we have d = 7.9o, 1.14o, 0.69o for z = 0.2, 5, 1000.
These angular sizes don't get bigger at high z, because our object was smaller back then.
Notice that our supercluster is ~8o in the SDSS, it is still ~1o at z = 5 and ~0.7o on the CMB
d![]() ![]() |
DM = D is the proper motion distance, and is seen to be our original pseudo distance, D
it gives the correct transverse velocity from a proper motion, assuming the Euclidean relation
This is the appropriate distance to use when measuring projected jet speeds in radio galaxies.
(note, David Hogg's classic "cheat sheet" uses DM, DC and DH for my D, ro and rH,o)
Moving to the RW-metric: f decreases (1 + z)-2, and (d
)2 increases
(1 + z)2
SB = f / (d![]() ![]() ![]() |
This is the (almost) equally famous (1 + z)-4 rapid drop in surface brightness with redshift.
note it is independent of curvature and, of course, is Euclidean at low-z.
The proper comoving area at comoving distance ro is A(ro) = d D2, where D = RoSk(ro/Ro).
The proper comoving volume of a shell of depth dro is dVC = A(ro) dro = d D2 dro
Now, since ro = rH,o dz/E(z), then we have
dro = rH,o dz/E(z) which gives:
VC(z1 to z2) = d![]() ![]() |
The total (d = 4
) comoving volume out to redshift z turns out to be:
First some auxiliary functions & definitions we'll need:
k,o = 1 - (
m,o +
r,o +
v,o) = 1 -
D = Ro Sk(ro/Ro) with Sk(x) = sin(x) ; x ; sinh(x) for k = +1 ; 0 ; -1
Ro = rH,o / | k,o |½ with rH,o = c/Ho = c tH,o
dro = c dt / a = rH,o dz / E(z) = rH,o da / a2E(a)
ro,H(z) = c / aH(z) = rH,o (1 + z) / E(z)
c = Sc / D
for an object expanding with the universe, with comoving size Sc
dV = dVc × (1 + z)-3 is the physical (non-comoving) volume in the same shell
This framwork manages to account for an extremely wide range of observations,
It also provides several independent estimates of its basic parameters.
Apart from the unknown nature of dark matter & energy, the framework seems quite robust.
Hence, ½ vin2 = GM (1/rin - 1/rturn) giving (vin/vesc)2 = (1/rin - 1/rturn) / (1/rin) 1 - rin/rturn
So, in order to reach rturn, it must start within v of vesc where:
v / vesc
½ rin/rturn
As rin gets smaller and smaller, the initial velocity must get closer and closer to vesc.
which is the relation we need.
![]() ![]() ![]() |
giving a simple rule [image].
Hence, for the standard model, the Universe was flatter in the past, and will get flatter in the future
r,o / a2
and t = tH,o
da / a E(a) (0 to a)
½ tH,o
r,o-½ a2
2.33 x 1019 h72-1 a2 sec.
so the curvature becomes:
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Of course, inflation's early acceleration can generate just this kind of extreme flatness.
k = -kc2 / R2H2 = -kc2 / [ a2Ro2 Ho2E2(a) ] =
k,o / a2E2(a)
So R2H2 follows a2E2(a), and although R 0 as a
0, R × H increases and drives
k to 0.
Of course, a × H(a) v(a), the velocity history (our previous result), and we have v
as a
For example: the CMB is (almost) identical on opposite sides of the sky [image].
But the light from each side has only just reached us, in the middle
Hence the two sides have not yet been in contact -- so why are they the same?
Smoothing requires communication: things must be in contact or have a common origin to be be similar
You might think: Everything was "together/touching" at the big bang, so what's the problem?
However, in the standard cosmology, with a t1/2 we have v
t-1/2 and the initial expansion (a = 0) is infinitely fast.
These [images] show how all points, no matter how close, are causally disconnected at the big bang.
In practice, smoothing can only occur at light speed:
we only expect things to be similar within a horizon distance.
At 400 kyr the horizon is roughly 400 kly across, which is ~1 degree on the CMB [image]
we only expect uniformity within 1 degree regions, which is clearly not the case at all.
The fundamental origin of the horizon problem is that the standard cosmology begins with infinite expansion and decelerates.
Inflation solves the problem by introducing accelerating expansion [image].
Two possible sources of fluctuations:
statistical fluctuations of particle numbers
quantum fluctuations in all things.
However, in a decelerating expansion, it transpires that such fluctuations decrease with expansion.
Basically, if the Universe is born smooth, it stays smooth, even given it's particulate/quantum nature.
Again, we need an accelerating expansion to amplify these seed fluctuations.
Solution: relax the condition that radiation (or matter) dominated the early universe
Instead, suggest that vacuum energy dominated
This ensures (a) the natural evolution is one of expansion
and (b) since it is accelerating expansion, it's launching speed will be exactly the escape speed.
which has solutions:
w > -1: a(t) = [(3 + 3w)/2 . t/tH]2/(3+3w)
power law expansion; index > 1 (acceleration) for -1 < w < -1/3.
w = -1: a(t) = a(to) e(t - to)/tH
pure exponential expansion, with e-folding time tH = H-1.
w < -1: a(t) = [1 + (3 + 3w)/2 . (t - tnow)/tH]2/(3+3w) big rip (a
) at
t = tnow + 2tH / |3+3w|.
The last two solutions have no clear big bang, ie a 0
only as t
PDF of powerpoint lecture slides on Inflation (4.4 Mb): here.
PDF of powerpoint lecture slides on Early Universe (4.7 Mb): here.
PDF of powerpoint lecture slides on CMB (11.4 Mb): here.
PDF of powerpoint lecture slides on Growth of Structure (4.8 Mb): here.
On the limits of extragalactic astronomy, so this will be brief
Some useful figures: [images]